Often appens that, after the dismission of a legacy Exchange server, Users are no longer able to access the public folders despite they have been correctly migrated to new servers. If you have the certainty of having successfully migrated the data / messages in the public folder you can rest easy, you have not lost anything, the problem lies only in the fact that in the configuration there is still a pointer to the old organization. You have just to recreate the hierarchy of the public folder via adsiedit to resume operation, the steps to be performed are as follows:
- Connect to a domain controller and open ADSIedit
- Connect to the Configuration domain partition
- Right-click Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)
- Select New Object.
- Select msExchPublicFolderTreeContainer for the class and click Next
- Enter this value: Folder Hierarchies, click Next
- click Finish
Create a Public Folder Tree Object:
- Right-click CN = Folder Hierarchies -> New Object
2. Select msExchPFTree as class
3. Enter as a value, “Public Folders” and click next
4. Click on the button “More Attributes”, select msExchPFTreeType to set the value to 1.
5. Click OK and then finish
Populate the attribute of msExchOwningPFTreeBL PF Stores in the organization:
- Open the properties of the newly created “Public Folders” Tree object in ADSIEdit.
2. Copy the distinguishedname value to clipboard or notepad and then click cancel.
3. Go to CN=Public Folders Database,CN=Second Storage Group,CN = InformationStore CN =”Sever Name:,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administative Group,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=ORG Name,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=Domain,DC = COM
4. In the properties of “Public Folder Database”, edit the msExchOwningPFTree attribute and paste the value you copied earlier in step 2
5. Restart the information store (or restart the server)
after some seconds public folders will return accessible by the users.
Weird, I don’t have entry in my Servers in ADSI.
Does this also apply to Exchange 2016? I don’t see “Second Storage Group” or anything at all in the Information Store container of any of my servers. I have 2016, 2013 and 2010. These public folders were migrated from 2010.