Export and import exchange receive connector ip addresses
One thing that often happens when migrating an exchange server is having to replicate some receive connectors (for example, some relays for the internal network). Often these connectors are configured to respond to tens or even hundreds of IP addresses. Now… bringing them back by hand is a nerve-wracking and take away job […]
How to extract all calendars permissions from exchange with powershell
This is the script that I created to extract the permissions of all the calendars in an Exchange organization. The script searches in each mailbox the folders of type “Calendar” and, for each of them, extracts its permissions, the result is output to a csv file. $mailbox_list = Get-Mailbox -Resultsize […]

How to schedule an exchange powershell script with task scheduler
Here's a quick example for creating a scheduled task to run a .ps1 script in exchange powershell, it is not as simple as you might think… The parameters to be passed are: Program or script: C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0powershell.exe Arguments: -NonInteractive -WindowStyle Hidden -command “. ‘C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV15binRemoteExchange.ps1’; Connect-ExchangeServer -auto; c:ScriptsExchangescript_name.ps1” If you have a simpler method […]
Microsoft Access 2016 very slow at startup
If your Access 2016 is very slow during startup (especially when you open a database) the problem is probably due to the fact that your navigation is blocked. Even when you disable any option related to navigation in Access settings it seems that the problem is not resolved; at the time the only real solutions […]

Recreating the public folder hierarchy in active directory with adsiedit
Often appens that, after the dismission of a legacy Exchange server, Users are no longer able to access the public folders despite they have been correctly migrated to new servers. If you have the certainty of having successfully migrated the data / messages in the public folder you can rest easy, you have not lost anything, the problem lies only […]

Outlook (2007 and 2010) on windows xp can not connect to exchange 2013
This problem has made me crazy, I've lost almost a day so I share it willingly hoping will come in handy to someone else. I am following a double migration of a customer's exchange (from 2003 to 2010 and then 2013), during the transition between 2010 and 2013 all Windows XP clients. Once the user migrated to […]

Exchange mail enabled public folders don’t receive emails after 2003 to 2010 migration
It happened to me a couple of times, after the migration of public folders from an Exchange 2003 server to an Exchange Server 2010 mail enabled public folders would stop receiving emails following the complete disposal of the 2003 server (soon after its uninstallation). All email destined for public folder remained […]

Exchange 2010 EMC keeps connecting to a no more existing domain controller
If you happen not to be able to manage your exchange infrastructure and receive this error in the Exchange Management Console: “An Active Directory error 0x51 occured when trying to check the suitability of server ‘OLD_DC_NAME’. Error: ‘Active Directory response: The LDAP server is unavailable.’” every time you try to read information regarding […]