Export and import exchange receive connector ip addresses
One thing that often happens when migrating an exchange server is having to replicate some receive connectors (for example, some relays for the internal network). Often these connectors are configured to respond to tens or even hundreds of IP addresses. Now… bringing them back by hand is a nerve-wracking and take away job […]
Expert found a secret backdoor in Zyxel firewall and VPNSecurity Affairs
VMware Tools Is Now a Separate Product – VMware vSphere Blog
ESXi-on-Arm is real and VMware will use it to run networks, storage, and security on SmartNICs • The Register
Exchange 2016 sent mails go to drafts – 421 4.3.2 Service not active
Just yesterday, following the installation of some windows updates, I found myself in a situation where the flow of emails from an exchange 2016 no longer worked. All services were online but both incoming and outgoing emails did not work. Specifically, all the emails I tried to send remained in the […]
How to force the removal of an exchange server from active directory
As you know, a lot of information from the exchange organization is saved in the active directory database so to dismiss a server exchange it is not enough to turn it off like a normal application, cleaning must also be done within AD. Let's say you have to remove an exchange from your active directory, the correct thing to do is to proceed with the […]
How to extract all calendars permissions from exchange with powershell
This is the script that I created to extract the permissions of all the calendars in an Exchange organization. The script searches in each mailbox the folders of type “Calendar” and, for each of them, extracts its permissions, the result is output to a csv file. $mailbox_list = Get-Mailbox -Resultsize […]
How to schedule an exchange powershell script with task scheduler
Here's a quick example for creating a scheduled task to run a .ps1 script in exchange powershell, it is not as simple as you might think… The parameters to be passed are: Program or script: C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0powershell.exe Arguments: -NonInteractive -WindowStyle Hidden -command “. ‘C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV15binRemoteExchange.ps1’; Connect-ExchangeServer -auto; c:ScriptsExchangescript_name.ps1” If you have a simpler method […]