
Installing pfSense on Dell R230 error mfi0: failed to get command

Installing pfSense on Dell R230 error mfi0: failed to get command

Last week I had to install the latest version of pfsense (2.3.2) on a Dell server poweredge 230 with a raid controller Perc H330 on board. After the boot from the install cd I follow the first steps of installation and configuration, when it starts to write to disk to install the operating system I have a feeling […]

Update Dell servers through lifecycle controller and an ISO

Update Dell servers through lifecycle controller and an ISO

A useful method to update BIOS and firmware of Dell servers is to use the integrated lifecycle controller (F10 during system boot) and mount a pre-created iso as a repository for updates (instead of using the Dell ftp that is not always available and it is still very slow). To create the iso which contains all […]