Vmware console error: Unable to connect to the MKS
This is an error I often see at customers when trying to open a virtual machine console: “unable to connect to the mks” The error is not so clear, but at 99,9% is due to incorrect DNS resolution, in other words….. if you have connected to the vcenter from a client, the […]
vSphere client 5.5 “Use Windows session credentials” error: Cannot complete login due to an incorrect username or password
I got a couple of times this error: trying to login to vcenter using the vsphere client with the option “Use Windows session credentials” an error of incorrect user/password is returned even if the credentials are correct. In many blogs (http://vinfrastructure.it/it/2014/01/problemi-nellautenticazione-in-vsphere-con-credenziali-di-dominio/) and vmware kb (http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2035510) dicono che l’errore si risolve ricreando l’active […]
vsphere client console error “The VMRC console has disconnected.. attempting to reconnect”
Yesterday I got this error, I was connected to a single esx 5.0 node.0 update 3, I could not open a newly created vm console in any way, I got this error in the upper part of the window: “The VMRC console has disconnected.. attempting to reconnect” alla fine la soluzione è stata semplicemente aggiornare il vsphere […]
vSphere 6.0 what’s new!
These are just some of the innovations presented at the online event of vmware (unfortunately I lost half of the event because the video streaming was not working… apparently I was not the only one): As usual, they have improved the maximum size of VMs, Now you can create vm with as many as 128 vCPUs and 4 TB of RAM (I'd like to know if there is […]
Differences between ESX and ESXi, free and paid license
I decided to write this short post because talking with customers I still listen a lot of people say that esxi is nothing more than the free version of vmware hypervisor….. once and for all: IT IS NOT’ SO!!!! Start by saying that from version 5 of vSphere exists ONLY esxi so it is not for sure […]
Interesting video about EVO:RAIL Dell/Vmware technology
Not much to say in this post…. nothing better than watch an interface to understand how a sw works. Just take a look at the video! 🙂
How to install a vib package on esxi
First, what is a .vib? Vib is the extension of installable packages regarding vmware esxi, it is a bit’ like .rpm for redhat or .deb for debian and exactly as rpm and deb it also manages dependencies. Through .vib you can install drivers or new features. There are two ways to install a […]
How to convert a vmware vm disk from Eide to scsi
I happened to convert a virtual machine from HyperV to vSphere through vmware converter but at the end of the conversion the vm disk (it had a single disk) was created as Eide (so it was left unchanged), consequently the vm wasn't able to boot properly. The same can happen when you convert a machine […]