vCenter in place upgrade from 5.5 to 6
A very simple guide to perform an in place upgrade of vCenter Server 5.5 to version 6. First of all the vCenter machine hardware prerequisites for Version 6: 2 vCPUs 8 GB of RAM At least 15 GB of hard disk space during the upgrade First scaricatevi ISO […]

Windows 8 cisco vpn client connects but the vpn does not work, pptp error code 720
A “big” problem happened to me over the last month: unexpectedly (I suspect it was some microsoft update) the cisco vpn client stopped working, or better, the client was connected but I could not reach anything on the customer's network, What's even more strange routes created were correct but if […]

How to install Windows 8 from USB stick
Not long ago I wrote an article about how to install Windows 8 directly from the network without using media, since the topic seems to be of interest I decided to write a post about how to install Windows 8 from a USB stick. In fact, the procedure is good for install from USB stick also windows 2008, windows 2012… etc […]

How to activate licenses for a RDS server remote desktop services Windows 2012 R2- RD Session Host server has not been configured with any license server
Recentemente ho visto questo warning su un server windows 2012 R2 RDS (remote desktop services) with the license service "on board": “Remote Desktop Session Host server is within its grace period, but the RD Session Host server has not been configured with any license server” Per attivare le licenze o meglio per agganciare […]

vSphere client 5.5 “Use Windows session credentials” error: Cannot complete login due to an incorrect username or password
I got a couple of times this error: trying to login to vcenter using the vsphere client with the option “Use Windows session credentials” an error of incorrect user/password is returned even if the credentials are correct. In many blogs (http://vinfrastructure.it/it/2014/01/problemi-nellautenticazione-in-vsphere-con-credenziali-di-dominio/) and vmware kb (http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2035510) dicono che l’errore si risolve ricreando l’active […]

“Veeam Free complete backup script” for vmware host
OK I had some’ free time in recent days and, since I was intrigued by the possibility to schedule the “zip backup” of the free Veeam 8 version with patch 2.0 just released, I decided to create a script to completely backup all the virtual machine managed by a vmware host. Tutto quello che […]

Veeam Backup & Replication 8.0 Update 2
E’ Veeam 8 Patch2 is out! It contains several improvements (i.e.. for integrating Veeam Endpoints Free) and some interesting news (the most important is the support for vsphere6!). A note that I think it's interesting concerns the free version: PowerShell Support in Free Edition. Start-VBRZip cmdlet is now enabled in Veeam Backup™ Free Edition, […]

How to install .net framework 3.5 on Windows 2012 R2
It would seem extremely simple to install .net framework 3.5 on Windows 2012 since it is among the features to be installed (exactly as in Windows 2008 R2); in fact if you try to install the installation will fail because it can not find the source to be installed because the default are not copied during the installation of the HD but I know there are still […]