If you have “to show” a TL2000 Tape (but I think it also applies to a TL4000) to Veeam the first thing to do is download the drivers from the Dell support site.
Once downloaded, however, be careful, do not install them from the device manager by doing a simple update of the microsoft drivers Veeam otherwise will not be able to properly view the tape; h0 Following this procedure the first time that I had to configure a tape for Veeam and the result was that I saw the tape library from the management interface but I could not see in any way the tapes and was therefore unmanageable.
The correct procedure is to take the .EXE file downloaded from the Dell website and unpack it; inside you will find several folders each containing the drivers for your operating system version. Inside the folder, for example, Windows 2012 R2 there is a file named install_README.txt that explains how to proceed: all you have to do is simply launch the script install_exclusive.exe, if only a single sw backup needs to access the tape library as in my case, or the script install_nonexclusive.exe if there are other software that need to access the library.
Very important is that yoou have to run the script as administrator! So if you launch it from the command line open a dos window with “run as administrator”
At the end of the script restart the server and at the next boot you should see the tape properly within Veeam!
After having fixed the tape from drivers/operating system side adding the tape within Veeam is really simple:
Go into tape infrastructure and Click “Add tape server”:
Specify what is the server to which the tape is connected (It will be the server where the proxy tape component will be installed):
Leave blank the screen to manage the network traffic:
Press ok (or finish?!) in the summary screen:
Wait until the tape proxy is installed and the tape will be ready for use!
Thanks, you just saved me some time. Was struggling with getting tapes visible.
Nice to hear that! 😉